Floating Down the Pemi

Floating Down the Pemi

Summers in New Hampshire seem to be getting hotter and hotter, or maybe I’m just getting less heat tolerant. And, since we don’t have a pool, we have to get creative with how to cool off. Last summer, the summer of COVID, we needed some relief so we...
Lonesome Lake Trail

Lonesome Lake Trail

Even the best plan sometimes need to be changed. That’s what happened to us last August when we set out to hike South Kinsman and North Kinsman, two of NH’s 4000 foot peaks. It was early, really early when we rolled into the parking lot at the Lonesome...
Touring the USS Albacore

Touring the USS Albacore

I always wondered what the story was behind the submarine tucked just off the coast of Portsmouth, NH. I must have driven by it at least two dozen times until finally we went in for a tour – it was in February 2020, just before the world shut down due to Covid. If you...