Nature Walks & Hiking


AllTrails is a trail guide and map that is curated by users. You can find short walks in the woods, bike trails and long, difficult hikes. Create a free account so you can save favorites. I have a folder called “hikes to try someday”.

We use AllTrails to find local nature walks we haven’t done yet. I also find it helpful to check recent user comments on trail conditions before we head north to hike a mountain.

Mountain Forecasts

If you are hiking in the White Mountains, you need to be aware of the weather. It can change quickly and if you’re not prepared it can make for a bad, bad day.

We use to get a rough idea of the weather for long range planning. We also use Mountain Weather Forecasts which gives the weather for higher elevations. Check it a few days before, the day before and the morning of your hike.

NH Audubon

The NH Audubon is a great resource if you’re looking for local nature walks. Their website offers a list of wildlife sanctuaries where the public can go for walks. Just be sure to see if dogs are allowed if you plan on bringing your canine sidekick.

One of my personal favorites is Ponemah Bog in Amherst, NH. It’s only .75 miles, but it’s incredibly unique with wood plank paths winding through a peat bog and the carnivorous pitcher plants.

Hike Safe

The NH Hike Safe card is a good idea for anyone hiking, paddling, cross country skiing or doing any other outdoor recreation. Think of it as an insurance card – if you have it and need to be rescued while out on an adventure (in NH), you are not liable to repay rescue costs. In 2022 the coast was $25-$35.