My mom loves houseplants. She had them all around the house where I grew up. It was a log cabin with beams overhead in the living room which had spider plants, pothos, and other vine plants hanging down. It was awesome.

I love plants too, and I want to be a plant lady like my mom. My kill rate is higher than I’d like to admit, but I’m still trying! And now my daughters love plants and have started their own collection. Hopefully their survival rate is better than mine!

When I asked if the wanted to visit the House by the Side of the Road in Wilton, NH, their first response was, “What house?”. Fair question. My response, “It’s a little plant paradise!”

Let’s start with Oliver, this guy right here ⤵️. He’s a big boy and oh so cute. My daughter must have taken 10 pictures of him sleeping.

Kitty at House on the Side of the Road

Oliver, a very large and very handsome kitty who was sound asleep on the counter.

But the real reason for the visit was to check out the houseplants. The building doesn’t look like much from the road, but it’s a plant wonderland inside and out! They have a great selection of air plants, succulents, ivy, and the list goes on. They are two turtle habitats and a fish tank. They also have a beautiful fairy garden display.

They also have a gift store, a great selection of pots, outdoor plants and shrubs and garden decor. I could literally spent hours just roaming around the House by the side of the Road. If you haven’t been, add it to the list!

House on the Side of the Road

Love these air plants!

House on the Side of the Road

House on the Side of the Road

Very elaborate fairy gardens to explore.

House on the Side of the Road

They have two tanks with painted turtles who happily lounge and sun themselves.

House on the Side of the Road