Breath Deeply, Fall is in the Air

Breath Deeply, Fall is in the Air

It’s that time of year again. That wonderful time of year in New England when the air starts to crisp, the smell of fire wood burning makes you breath deep, the leaves give a satisfying crunch beneath your feet and all things pumpkin and apple make their appearance. ...
House by the Side of the Road, Wilton, NH

House by the Side of the Road, Wilton, NH

My mom loves houseplants. She had them all around the house where I grew up. It was a log cabin with beams overhead in the living room which had spider plants, pothos, and other vine plants hanging down. It was awesome. I love plants too, and I want to be a plant lady...
Floating Down the Pemi

Floating Down the Pemi

Summers in New Hampshire seem to be getting hotter and hotter, or maybe I’m just getting less heat tolerant. And, since we don’t have a pool, we have to get creative with how to cool off. Last summer, the summer of COVID, we needed some relief so we...
Lonesome Lake Trail

Lonesome Lake Trail

Even the best plan sometimes need to be changed. That’s what happened to us last August when we set out to hike South Kinsman and North Kinsman, two of NH’s 4000 foot peaks. It was early, really early when we rolled into the parking lot at the Lonesome...